So this morning are my one month results day of really watching what I'm eating and counting points on Weight Watchers. I'm am so very proud to announce I lost 9.6 pounds in a month! This is a big deal for a couple of reasons. One, it's 9.6 pounds. Two, I feel good about myself. I feel healthy. When I eat poorly (which I have a couple of times), I feel it. Three, I'm really understanding how my body responds to food. For example, if I don't have protein at lunch, I am exhausted in the afternoon.
Yes, I think I might be figuring it out!
As I'm training for the mini-marathon on May 8, my long runs are on the weekends. I pushed my weigh-in day up to Tuesdays because it felt better to have it closer to the weekends. Monday is a rest day for my body and I feel like my weigh-ins should be on a rest day. I don't know why.
So here's to the next month!
Congratulations on the loss! For sure, it will make you run a bit faster. Wishing you a new month of successes!