Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today is a day for quiet

I have had a hell of a week.  Last week was insane.  I had 101 issues with kids and families at school, hubby went out of town for 5 days (he gets back tonight!), I fit in a 10 miler to have one long run before this weekend's half, and back to school yesterday brought more of last week.  Wow.  As I was leaving work yesterday, I got a phone call from daycare telling me A1 had a fever.  I knew something was up, but since I'm on my own I was in denial.

However, the most important things in my life are me, my kids, my hubby and my family.  Period.  So today I took A1 to work with me for a little bit while I got things in order and now we are being quiet.  He's snuggling on the couch with his animals and I'm playing on the internet.  Just being chill.  So important.

I'm gearing up for this weekend.  I'm so excited for the race.  My time is going to be so slow.  Originally I wanted to finish the half in less than 2.5 hours, but I don't think that's going to happen.  We'll see.  I'm also planning the next few months of races and events.  So fun to think of what I could do next.  I'm looking at a trail run,  Go Girl triathlon, a duathlon and maybe another half in the fall.  Events help motivate me.  That's the bottom line - plus I love them.  I loved this feeling of crowds of people at Race for the Cure in April.

And seeing my fabulous cheering section when I rounded the corner heading for the finish line:

Mostly I just love this:

Aren't they beautiful?  Even their backsides? :)

Looking forward to a chill day - can't wait to post about future race plans and general progress made here!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness work it! I can't wait to hear how the race goes.

    You're going to do great and remember that just finishing is a bigger accomplishment than most are able to experience.
